Basic Pickleball Strategies for Winning on the Court

Pickleball is an easy to learn game that you can play on your own but pickleball strategies for everyone make a huge difference in playing.
Pickleball is a mind game, so if you want to get an edge in the competition then you should practice these best pickleball strategies. If you stay aware of your opponent’s positions and predict their moves, you can make smarter shots and win more points.
The main strategies in pickleball are shot placement, court positioning, and effective communication, especially in doubles play. For example, utilizing the third shot drop can help the serving team get closer to the net which is an important area for controlling the game.
Whether you are playing singles or doubles, this article will explore the advanced pickleball strategies to help you win on the court.
Best Pickleball Strategies
It is important to have a smart game plan, a bag of effective strategies, and some understanding of pickleball tactics if you want to get an edge over your competitor in a game. Use the best pickleball strategy as a roadmap for your improvement.
Stay Connected to Your Partner
You have to consider that you and your partner are connected by an invisible rope. Move together as a team to cover the court more effectively.
When one of you shifts to the left or right, the other should follow. This helps you to cover more ground and respond to your opponent’s shots better.
Mirror the Ball
The best strategy to win in pickleball is to mirror the ball. You should always position yourself so that the ball is in line with you. If the ball is on the left, both you and your partner should shift left. This keeps you ready to return shots and also minimizes the open spaces on the court.
Forehand Takes the Middle
This is the most useful pickleball stacking strategy. This strategy states that when a ball comes down in the middle of the court, the player whose forehand facing the middle should take the shot. Forehand strokes are generally more powerful and accurate than backhand strokes.
Look for Weaknesses and Patterns
The opponent’s weaknesses are the main factor in winning the game. You should observe your opponents carefully to identify their weaknesses and patterns. In some cases, an opponent has a problem with high shots. They may always hit a particular spot on the court with the same pattern.
You can use their weaknesses by giving them challenging shots. When you recognize patterns in their play, you can plan your strategy accordingly.
Hit Both Serves and Returns Deep
While playing pickleball, hitting both your serves and returns deep into your opponent’s court is an important strategy. This strategy forces your opponents to move back and makes it more difficult for them to execute aggressive shots.
It also reduces their reaction time and increases the chances of weaker returns. It is easier to win points when your opponent is far back on the court.
Pickleball Singles Strategies
Pickleball singles is a one on one version of the game, where each player covers the whole court on their own. In the singles game format, you do not have any partner to rely on so it requires agility, strategy, and stamina. Follow these simple beginner pickleball strategies for single to win the game:
Serve Deep and Ready
This is one of the best Pickleball serving strategies. In this strategy, you have to serve the ball close to your opponent’s baseline which is deep into the court. This pushes your opponent back and makes it harder for him to return aggressively.
A deep serve forces your opponent to hit from a defensive position which gives you more time to react and control the point from the start. It sets you up for a stronger position during the rally.
Serve from Near the Center
When you are serving, keep your position near the centerline. Serving from the center gives you better coverage of the court for the next shot.
It reduces the amount of ground you need to cover and helps you to quickly reach to return, whether it is to your left or right.
Deep Return of Serve
Whenever you return a serve, try to hit the ball deep into your opponent’s court. Your opponent will play defensively if you return deep. It will give you an opening to move up to the kitchen line and take control of the point.
Limit Your Lobs
A lob is an arcing shot that is high in the air. Use lobs carefully and strategically. Lobbing can be risky because it gives your opponent time to position themselves for a strong overhead smash.
It is best to limit lobs to situations where your opponent is out of position or to mix up your shots to keep them a little confused.
Hit and Recover
When you play as a single pickleball, you should move back to a neutral position as soon as possible after you make a shot.
This strategy allows you to be ready for your opponent’s return no matter where they hit the ball. The best way to cover the whole court and react to shots is to stay centered.
Pickleball Doubles Strategies
Get to the Kitchen Line After the Return of Serve
The most used strategy in pickleball doubles is getting to the kitchen line. The kitchen or Non Volley Zone (NVZ) is a 7-foot area surrounding the net in which players cannot volley the ball. Players who are close to the kitchen line have better control over volleys and have a better chance of making effective shots.
In pickleball Strategies for doubles, getting to the kitchen line after the return of serve is important. When you return the serve, go for a deep shot that gives you and your partner some time to get towards the net.
When you take a position on the kitchen line, bend your knees and set your paddle for quick volleying. You will get more control over the match with this position.
Keep Your Opponents Pinned to the Baseline
You will have to keep your opponents close to the baseline as much as possible. This makes it difficult for them to attack effectively.
You can do this by using deep shots to push them back and mixing in a few lobs to keep them confused. When they try to move forward you can slow things down with soft shots, or dinks. This forces them to reset and stay back.
They are unable to control their movements precisely if you are keeping them at the baseline which increases their chances of making a mistake.
Use Spin
Using spin in your shots can make a huge difference. The spin makes the pickleball game unpredictable for your opponent.
Topspin can be achieved by brushing up the back of the ball, which causes the ball to dip quickly over the net and rebound higher.
You can produce backspin by slicing under the ball, keeping your shots low, and making your volleys bounce.
For sidespin, use your wrist and paddle angle to make the ball curve unexpectedly. When you mix in different spins, it confuses your opponent’s timing and positioning which makes your shots more accurate.
Keep the Ball Low
If you want to play strategically then keeping the ball low is the main point in pickleball. Because low balls are harder to attack and force your opponents into a defensive position.
You should keep your paddle face slightly open and maintain your grip loose to sustain a low angle of attack. Use your legs for power without lifting the ball too high.
In this way, you make it difficult for your opponents to attack, so they hit the ball into the net or pop it up which gives you the opportunity to attack.
Pickleball Strategies for Advanced Players
Utilize the Cross Court Shot
One important technique for advanced players is the cross court shot. It is a strategy where a player hits the ball diagonally across the court. In this, the ball lands on the opposite side of the opponent’s court.
This shot is extremely important because it travels over the longest distance on the court. It gives the player more margin for error and a better chance of keeping the ball in play.
Mastering the Lob
Another effective strategy is mastering the lob. Lobs are high, arcing shots that throw the ball deep into the opponent’s court. This shot can be particularly effective against opponents who like to play close to the net.
Lobs can also be used as a defensive tool which gives players time to recover and reposition themselves during intense rallies.
Work on Shot Placement
Shot placement is a main focus for advanced players. It is more important for top players to strategically attack weak spots on the court rather than hit the ball hard. They make it harder for them to return by targeting the sidelines, corners, or areas just out of reach.
Good shot placement can turn a simple game into a winning opportunity by keeping the opponent off balance and under pressure.
Play with Strategy
When you are playing with strategy, you have to think of several moves before the start of play and predict what your opponent will do next.
It is common for professional players to make a game plan based on their opponent’s strengths and weaknesses.
Master the Poach
In doubles play, mastering the poach is another important strategy to learn. The poach is actually when your partner would typically hit the ball and you move across the court to intercept it.
This aggressive move can distract opponents and end the point quickly. Timing and communication with your partner is important for effective poaching.
Closing Remarks for Pickleball Strategies
Playing pickleball can be more interesting by learning some winning pickleball strategies. Whether it is moving to the kitchen line quickly, keeping your opponents at the baseline, attacking the fourth shot, using spin, or keeping the ball low, these simple pickleball techniques can help you to play better.